From President Chriss-Ann Menzies
What a Splash! After significant research and more than a little
trepidation we held Splash 2024 at Pātaka. With an unfamiliar
venue, a totally different way of hanging our arsits paintings,
the committee embraced the challenge. We were honoured to
have two guest artists, Pam Lines
and Dennis Greenwood. Pam and
Dennis have totally different styles,
equally beautiful and intriguing.
The Performing Arts Studio at
Pātaka worked wonderfully well,
with good lighting and a
comfortable space. The black
screens for hanging paintings made
the pale framed works pop. The
Spine was a great space for Opening
Night and demonstrating artists
alike. Pātaka staff totally supported
and accommodated us to our mutual benefit.
Outcome: Our enthusiasc membership sent us 271 paintings
from all over New Zealand. What a delight. We had fantastic
sales, rivalling our very best years. This was unexpected.
I hardly know how to thank all those who made this uniquely
successful exhibition possible. The selectors, the judges, the
faithful layout people, hanging and minder volunteers, kitchen
magicians, drinks and waiter attendants and of course our buzzy
musicians were amazing. A huge thank you to Gordon Harris Ltd
who continue to give very generous support by way of prizes. To
those on the committee who went the extra mile, go my
heartfelt thanks!
What next? Whangarei Paintaway, here we come.
Look out 2025, our 50th Anniversary Year. We have planned a
year of fun-packed events. Blenheim will host our joyful gala
programme, which we have called Watermark . The calendar of Watermark
celebratory events awaits you.
Chriss-Ann Menzies