Minutes of the Forty Nineth Annual General Meeting of
Watercolour New Zealand Incorporated held at 3.30 p.m. Sunday, 3rd March 2024
at Karori Arts and Crafts Centre, 7 Beauchamp Street, Karori, Wellington

Present: Chriss-Ann Menzies (President), Jill Hartstonge (Treasurer), Charlotte Hird, Sue Wild (Secretary), Vivian Manthel-French, Rod Weston, Jan Pryor, Helen Wilson, John McDonnell, Martin Jenkins.
Attending by zoom: Yvonne Geeraedts, Hannah Martis, Pete James.

Apologies: Adrienne Pavelka, Pauline Hailwood, Henk Prins, Miriam Busby, Gaynor Nairn, Marianne Linton (Vice President)

The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting were read. One amendment is to be made: Martin Jenkins attended the March 2023 meeting by zoom. The minutes were approved with the above amendment. and approved.
Moved: Jill Hartstonge Seconded: Charlotte Hird

President’s Report: The President, Chriss-Ann Menzies, read her report. The report was applauded. John McDonnell asked which area of Pataka is to be used for the October 2024 Splash exhibition. Rod Weston: the Performing Arts Studio. Chriss-Ann Menzies thanked Rod for working on the booking and said the hire contract is now fully signed. The report was accepted and approved:
Moved: Martin Jenkins Seconded: Vivian Manthel-French

The Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 were presented by the Treasurer, Jill Hartstonge. Net worth: $135,354.39. Martin Jenkins enquired as to how the training reserve operates. Jill said incoming funds are profit from workshops and outgoing funds subsidise the youth workshops tutored by Alfred Memelink. John McDonnell enquired about Anuko, the company that hosts WNZ’s website. Charlotte Hird explained that company is run by a couple – Nik and Inga Clemens. Nik died recently. Inga continues her excellent webmaster service. The WNZ domain name is hosted elsewhere, so there is no need for change. Sue Wild reiterated the important request from Jill Hartstonge for a “treasurer understudy” and asked for any name to be put forward to committee so that we can approach the person. The report was approved:
Moved: Rod Weston Seconded: Martin Jenkins

Election of Officers The Patron, Adrienne Pavelka is happy to continue in her role. The Committee members continuing and approved: President: Chriss-Ann Menzies Treasurer: Jill Hartstonge Secretary: Sue Wild Committee: Hannah Martis, Rod Weston, Charlotte Hird, Pete James, Clare Hutchins, Jan Pryor The following are standing down: Vice President: Marianne Linton, Vivian Manthel-French, Yvonne Geeraedts No nominations were received. No elections were required. Chriss-Ann Menzies thanked the committee members who are stepping down: Yvonne Geeraedts - an enthusiastic worker; Marianne Linton - a thoughtful vice-president with a wide knowledge of the watercolour world and a beautiful painter; Vivian Manthel-French – a foundation member with long service, a keen contributor to the anniversary book and a vibrant watercolourist.

Other Business Martin Jenkins congratulated the committee, saying that Watercolour NZ has a good reputation as an increasingly vibrant organisation. Chriss-Ann Menzies said online events work for young members.

Thanks: The President thanked members for attending.

The meeting finished at 4.30 pm.