You are invited!

Watercolour NZ Splash Annual Exhibition

'A Wet Day In Wellington' Dianne Taylor together with one of her six magnificent watercolour paintings - ready for the opening this weekend at the Academy Galleries, Queens Wharf Wellington. Dianne and Richard Bolton are our guest artists for our annual national watercolour exhibition.

There are 250 paintings to view including a wide variety of paintings featuring Wellington, NZ landscapes and pets. as well as an award winning display of ceramic art presented by Wellington Potters. This is a must see exhibition for art lovers. This GALLERY features just a small selection of paintings that you'll be able to view at the exhibition 'Splash 2017'.

The exhibition opens on Friday, October 13th. Open 10 - 5pm daily until Sunday 29 October at Academy Galleries, Queens Wharf Wellington. - Free Entry.

All artworks will be for sale and images of artworks will gradually be added to this gallery throughout the exhibition season.

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