Watercolour Plein Air Groups

Come out on a Sunday each month and enjoy outdoor painting in the good company

We have following groups:

Each group meets on Sunday morning, then has lunch together, either at a nearby cafe or picnic at the painting location. The outdoor painting sessions have a co-ordinator for each group. To be on the list to receive email confirmation a few days prior to each session, please give your email address to the co-ordinator who will be the go-to person in case of doubtful weather.

Wellington sessions are organised and tutored by selected experienced artists on a voluntary basis.

Monthly Painting Groups are FREE . If you are not a member, come along and try it out. No obligation, join up there and then if you wish to continue. We paint all year round - only serious rain puts us off!

See some PHOTOS of our outdoor painting.

The committee values the work of the regional coordinators. If you live in another region of New Zealand and wish to become a coordinator for MPG outings in your region, please contact us .

See suggested list of art materials for outdoor painting group
and an article 'Urban sketching en plein air' by Phil Dickson (also with the list of materiels to take)

WELLINGTON GROUP - 10:00am - 12 noon

A tutor will be at each Wellington monthly outdoor painting session to demonstrate and discuss gear and watercolour techniques for all those interested.

15 Dec - Cnr Barnard Street and Lennel Road, Wadestown
19 January - Lady Norwood Rose Garden, Wellington Botanical - Gardens
16 February - Otari Plant Museum, Wilton
16 March - Scorching Bay, Miramar

We welcome newcomers, come and paint with experienced painters, followed by coffee and lunch in a nearby cafe.

If you would like to be on the Wellington MPG mailing list please email info@watercolournewzealand.nz
Subject Wgtn MPG mailing list

Auckland Watercolour Plein Air Group

If you are a watercolour artist in Auckland and would like to join us for other plein air sessions in the future, please email Elise De Silva , she'll keep you posted.

Canterbury Watercolour Plein Air Group

Canterbury Watercolour Plein Air Group meets monthly (usually last Friday of the month but subject to change) at locations around Christchurch and Banks Peninsula as the weather allows. Notification of events will be sent around a week in advance. Updates on the our Facebook page and by email to those who have registered with the group.

Contact Janey on 021 102 5959 or jethomasnz@gmail.com.


Kapiti sessions are co-ordinated by Audrey Moore and will have a volunteer meeter & greeter for each session.

Phone Audrey Moore on (04) 904 6382, email jandamoore@paradise.net.nz


Email Yvonne Geeraedts to find out more about this monthly plein air group: l.y.houwers@actrix.co.nz


Plein Air Painting group meets on the first Sunday of the month 10am - 12pm with cafe afterwards
Bring your gear, weather permitting.

All interested please contact Kristina Boese kboese097@gmail.com or Phone 0221220704

Sketching Whangarei

Group meets the 2nd Saturday of each month at different locations in and around Whangarei. The upcoming dates are 14 December, 11 January, 8 February.
Locations will be published a week before the meeting on Facebook Sketching Whangarei or contact Tina Seifarth tina4kiwi@gmail.com


Wai Knot Watercolour (Wai – water, knot – a joining together) a watercolour get together once a month in various locations. This is a casual group (no teaching, no fee, koha for tea/coffee). Follow us on FaceBook at Plein Air Painting Nelson Tasman for announcements about group meetings. Contact: janthomsonart@gmail.com , Jane Smith , nicole@nicolerussellart.com

Review: Outdoor Painting Week: 6-10 March 2023 in Wellington

Painting outdoors challenges the artist to cope with a sun that moves and turns shadows as she goes, a breeze that sneaks under the edges of paper, passers-by who keenly remember how their grandmother did watercolour, paint that dries too fast or never dries and much more! Wellington served up the gorgeous weather that it is now known for .. for three days, but failed to oblige after that. A keen group arrived each day to set up their gear and decide which section of the scenery would be theirs to capture. A variety of beaches, hills and harbour views were on offer.

The lunch break at a nearby caf is reliably delightful. Paintings viewed and chat are shared with relish.
And then were back to catch the afternoon in watercolour. Come and join next year.

Review: Outdoor Painting week 7-11 March 2022

By Vivian Manthel-French

When a week of outdoor painting was advertised, 46 people expressed interest. The Covid threat affected many, but 20 people came to paint, one person journeying from New Plymouth! However, the numbers didnt matter and the artists that came had an outstanding opportunity which will probably never happen again in Wellington.
Because we were blessed with five days of beautiful calm weather!

On the first day at Scorching Bay the clouds promised light rain, but it held off all morning and gave us an unusual moody colouring of intense blues and greys. With the golden rocks in the foreground, it made a beautiful painting.

Day two was at Dolly Vardon Beach on the Paremata inlet. We were woken with mist but by the time we reached the location there was the view! Set against a green hillside topped with pines is a row of historic boat huts and their white boats, reflected in the calm water. The afternoon was spent in Plimmerton, though a few of us stayed to finish paintings or find a different aspect as the scene changed.

The third day was painting in Thorndon. This is old Wellington with charming early cottages down steep narrow roads and up paths and steps. Rita Angus, who is presently featured at Te Papa, lived in one of these cottages and often painted it in watercolours. A winding path leads to the house surrounded with a delightful garden and now used for Artist in Residence. The property is closed to the public but we had permission to paint in the garden. We had a blissful day painting the cottage and out-buildings. Charlotte sold her work of nearby houses on the spot to one of the owners!

Day four was at the end of Eastbourne, near the Wellington Harbour Heads. This location can be very windy but we were so lucky. It was perfect. Morning light, stony beach, bright sharp rocks, pale calm water with the two islands standing out, and the soft blue of the Wellington hills in the background.

The final day was an adventure. A huge beautiful park in Te Marua, Upper Hutt called Tunnel Gully because the old incline railway ran through a tunnel there.

It is not easy to find so Sue, who lives nearby, gave us detailed instructions. Its a hidden treasure. Beautiful native bush, tall trees with sunlight patterns shining through the branches, grassy fields and a little stream in the shade. A wonderful surprise greeted us. Our artist friend Pavithra Devadatta had set up her gazebo over a picnic table offering hot coffee and delicious food. We chatted for a while, just looking at the scenery, but managed to pull ourselves away and make the most of painting this amazing place. Thank you so much Pavithra.

It was a great day and a wonderful way to finish a week of doing what we like best, painting watercolours. Thank you Sue and Charlotte. We are all so grateful for the beauty and variety of the places you chose for us.

Photos: Outdoor Painting week March 2021